Big Garden Birdwatch Day!
After three months of settling in, we now feel like our new flat is our home-from-home. Apart from the benefit of a second bedroom, and being a two minute walk from Bushy Park (As opposed to the five minute trek we used to make), the new place also benefits from having a slightly more secluded front garden area. One of the first things Rachel did when we moved in was to start hanging bird feeders in a holly bush outside - nothing special, just a couple of seed feeders, some fatballs, a coconut husk fatball, and two bird tables... Actually, for quite a small space, that's a lot of bird food but that's not to worry because we have plenty of takers. A pair of house sparrows On a normal day we'll see several species on the feeders. The predominant birds are very definitely the house sparrows who seem to mostly live in the hedge and come chattering from all over to feast on the seed. There seem to be quite a large group and their noisy presence is always a delight. Like many sub...